Day 17, Latvia – Riga

While I spent a good night in my little barrel cabin right by the sea, Andi abandoned his in the middle of the night, because something was moving between his matrace and the sheets 😬

We got started after this luxurious breakfast – need to make Riga today.

The following section of the TET is among the best we have ridden – forrest galore, green jungle, sand and moss. It had stopped raining too, so the sand was heavy and the temperature at a pleasant low.

Mushrooms everywhere – but they all looked poisonous 😬

We reached Riga after doing about 60km of trails, had to leave out the last bits to get to the city.

Riga is somewhat of a disapointment to us, the centre is filled 95% with tourists, the Art Nouveaux quarter where we went, feels totally surreal – show your car and watch people only – somehow the whole city feels like a film set – but during lunch time.

We prefered Vilnius, more down to earth and honest. Also the gap between rural areas and Riga, between country side and city people, feels much much wider in Latvia.

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