Day 18 Samara – Ufa


Day 627km
Trip 6388km
Bike 11413km

It being Sunday, Samara was rather dead when we left- perhaps everybody was recovering from last nights drinking in the pedestrian zone- or getting ready for church?


The day took us through rolling hills and later the first bits of forrest. Driving on the M5 sometimes seems a little like a racetrack- russian drivers seem to like (and do) take risks.


Towards the end of the day andreas and me got seperated and since he decided to travel on a different route- we didn’t catch up again.

I passed Ufa since still fit (and the place is a dump) and stayed in some truckers inn. Not much comfort to say the least, but interesting owners.



2 brothers from georgia who in addition to run the hotel, build blockhouses, dealt a little in prostitution and were thinking of turning the whole place into a resort of some sort 😉