Day 11, Central/Eastern Lithuania

Really late start today – heavy rain last night, incl. thunderstorm (which I love, but kept me awake between 1-3:00h). Also, Lithuania is 1 hour ahead, so in local time we only managed to leave the campsite at 14:00 πŸ™„πŸ˜Ž

We had some sand and mud, but also a lot of asphalt.

Most house in Lithuania are build from wood – cool. Here is an example for an old farm house, but also modern houses tend to be build from wood rather than stone/brick.

The ‘best’ part of today’s TET however, was this – and I am not lying, this is the official route πŸ˜‚

Some looks we got from the owners of those garages – thanks linesman πŸ˜‰

Cool campsite a bit off the TET route, but amazing lake and cool benches for cooking – astonishing what comes out the small aluminium “kitchen” box at the back of the bike.

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