Day 69, Phnom Penh

Night was OK, forgot to switch off aircon so woke to the chill. The royal guest house is OK, but not very clean overall and definately not a hostel. Location and room OK though.
Will prepare to go and see hospital, wrist bearable, but want to have it checked since not free of pain.



Went to the hospital and they gave me an appointment with Dr. Valez for 3h later. So with time to kill I went back to the bikeshop since I had forgotten to get my passport from them (deposit for bike) and then looked for a specific charity shop Cambodian Handicraft Association for Landmine and Polio Disabled (CHA)
– a friend had asked me to see how they were doing and to get something for her.


After that got caught in heavy rain, or as Dan Simmons would put it: ‘… actually rain is to gentle a term for the deluge that strikes us each day, obscuring the shore, pounding the tin roofs of the barges with a deafening roar, and slowing our upstream crawl until it seems we are standing still. It is as if the river becomes a vertical torrent each afternoon, a waterfall which the ship must climb if we are to go on. ‘
Well you get the idea, who ever said SF is for trekkies only. Luckily I could sit it out in a nice restsurant.


SOS clinic after that – all went quite well and relatively fast. Bones not broken and got a wristguard to give it some rest. Similar to my chop stick/elastic bandage really. Also supposed to take some ibuprofene for the inflamstion in the soft tissue of the wrist. Had done that with the chinese cream also, but will try pills.
If you ever wondered what I look like on the inside:


Have also phoned my orthopedic guy in berlin today and made an appointment for friday – the day of my arrival back home.
Some more time to wander around town now – might join up with lutz and eva later and visit a vernisage at the MetaHouse.

Just heard about terrible ferry accident in Hong Kong, took many of those only some weeks back – strange feeling. Makes wrist look like what it is – peanuts.

Went to the GIZ (German governmental foreign aid thing) expo – about land issues and preserving historical buildings in cambodia. Was ok, usual foreign aid/NGO/goethe institute/embassy crowd – drunks and buffet free.


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