Day 26 Novosibirsk – 20km East of Kemerovo


Day 319km
Trip 9028km
Bike 14.053km

OK, todays start was not too early- the beds in Hotel Avenue were just too good to jump out of …

We were quite anxious to see though whether our tires had indeed arrived at the local KTM dealer – Enduro Group. I had sent them from Berlin with the russian post office – who indeed have a branch in Berlin. Actually it is close to your place Axel, so should you ever plan on coming this way … 😉

Right, we arrived at the dealer shortly after 10 am and were a little disheartened by the fact that our friend from the last visit was not there. But his colleague (of course 0 english, but hey, google tranlator …) was just as friendly and indeed- there were the tires. Just as I had packed them all these weeks ago!
The mechanic showed up an hour or so later also and off we went together – the actual workshop was at the far end of this huge industrial complex.

Dima was the mechanic who helped me work on my bike – nice guy and we managed to change oil, tires and while waiting for the new tires to go on, I quickly cleaned the pre- airfilter I had installed to save me from changing the actual airfilter too often. As a matter of fact, i only cleaned it in Istanbul before so I guess next time Berlin 😉


It was a bit of a waste to change tires already – the old ones were not done yet, but we have another 8-9.000km to go and that they wouldn’t have covered.
For future reference, the milage I had done on them:
Front: 12.700km
Rear: 9.000km


I believe with this type of trip, you can count on doing:
Front: 16.000km
Rear: 12.000km

Anyway, after putting it all together again, we started the bike to check the oil level – and saw that the precious liquid was indeed dripping on the floor! So off with the bash plate again and the source was quickly located – the lower oilfilter. Apparantly we forgot to put the O-ring into the cover :-()
OK, that was quickly sorted.
Some more tech data since always an issue with this bike: If you do an oilchange including all 3(!!) filters, put in 2.5l, start bike and let idle till it reaches operating temperature, turn off and check oil level. You will find, that it needs another 0.5l to reach the middle mark on your dip stick. Now, you could leave it there or (that’s what I do) top it up a little more, until it reaches approx.3mm ABOVE the Max mark. The engine can handle it and I have NOT needed to top up over the last 7000km! By then the oil level was still above Min level – not bad at all for this kind of bike.

We managed to leave Novosibirsk at 16:00 and were still able to do a bit over 300km until we got past Kemerovo – where another truckstop was waiting for us. And russian food in the evening and in the morning.



Actually they do serve overdone spagetthi with cold vienna sausage (kind of) straight out of a tin for breakfast !!!! :-()

4 comments on “Day 26 Novosibirsk – 20km East of Kemerovo

    • Ja, eigentlich folgen wir auf dieser reise nur den strassen, offroad bleibt diesmal zuhause. Wir haben ca 6 wochen für die 15.000km und dann kommt Japan. Hoffentlich 😉
      Ich denke offroad ist da nicht unter zu bekommen- mit der begleitGS sowieso nicht 😉
      Aber mal ein moped direkt in die mongolei verschiffen und dann da 6 wochen vor ort ….

  1. Lohnt sich das? Hab mal nen Reisebericht gesehen, da war nur plattes Land. Aber vielleicht ist das ja ganz entspannend. Ich hätte mit den Essgewohnheiten da so meine Probleme…Also, dann mal gute Weiterfahrt. Bis bald, Sonne

    • Also so schlimm wie Brandenburg ist es nicht 😉
      Immer sanfte Hügel und abwechselnd Wald und Felder. Manchmal wirkt die Landschaft wie ein riesiger Park. Entspannend, ja.
      Essen ist meist ein Problem – Esskultur wie wir sie in Europa kennen, gibt es nicht. Aber manchmal gibt es Highlights- meist in Form von italienischem Essen. Hier im Nikita Hostel ist es bisher am besten.

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